Saturday, November 28, 2009

What colour of eye shadow goes best with dark blueish greenish eyes and brown Hair?

I have brown hair with side bangs and a weird dark blue greenish teal colour of eyes. My eye colour changes sometimes, its weird. I just don't know wat kind of eye shadow to use. A picture of the colour would be great, or a link to the picture. Thanks!What colour of eye shadow goes best with dark blueish greenish eyes and brown Hair?
Try blending these 6 different shades. They are from the Almay Shadow Intense I-Color collection, and are available at Wal*Mart.

The trio for green includes peach(brow), burgundy(crease), and copper(lid). The trio for blue includes light blue(brow), dark blue(crease), and gold(lid).

You could use different combinations of the two brow, two crease, and two lid colors to find what brings out your eyes the best.

;product_id=10452574%26amp;iIndex=1%26amp;isVariant=false%26amp;corpCard=false%26amp;type=-9223372036854775808;product_id=10452533%26amp;iIndex=1%26amp;isVariant=false%26amp;corpCard=false%26amp;type=-9223372036854775808What colour of eye shadow goes best with dark blueish greenish eyes and brown Hair?
i think purples looks really pretty, browns for calmer, less out there days

grays, dark blues, silver, turquoise, fuchsia, black, violet, and taupe
Wear a gold or champagne color.
  • erythema
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