Thursday, December 3, 2009

What color eye shadow would be best for me?

I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, so what color would look best on me to wear to school, but I don't want to stand out too much but what color would get attention from guys.What color eye shadow would be best for me?
It would be helpful to know your skin color but I guess I will go by your avatar and say you are tan, maybe a gray would be good or smokey eyes but not to heavy and also if you want it to be more naturual like a pink or purple. Also black eyeliner really draws attention to your eyes. What color eye shadow would be best for me?
Hmm, light pink, purple, green, Skin colours like browns, gold, you could wear glitter eyeliner

hope that helps!

could you please answer mine?鈥?/a>

A light green or a purple or maybe a light aqua blue or something, butyou def. want to go with a lighter color.
Light, light purple. But don't use to much.
light pink! that would be so pretty!

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